Gérardine Aldamar is a visual artist with a focus in digital arts. She has received her BFA in Photography and Digital Arts from Moore College of Art & Design (‘16). Past works of hers include digital video and sound studies on natural hair and the “black body” under the umbrella topics of appropriation and the racial critique on the medium of photography. Her current body of work is a meditation and discovery of the non-traditional dynamics of her family due to the untimely passing of three significant people in her life (her mother and two aunts) and of her experiences as a first generation Haitian-American. She uses appropriated images from family albums, ones that are very sentimental to her, and uses digital alterations to provide a sort of visual storytelling based on old family stories that add a new perspective and context to the images.

Gérardine Aldamar currently lives and works in Philadelphia, PA.